Green Leadership: Driving Sustainable Practices in an Organisation

Bas Fransen, CEO EcoMatcher
5 min readApr 15, 2024

In the era of environmental awareness, the call for sustainability echoes louder than ever. For organizations vested in the future of our planet, like tree-planting entities, leading the charge toward a greener tomorrow is not just an option — it’s a responsibility. At the heart of this transformative journey is green leadership, a beacon guiding organizations through the murky waters of environmental degradation toward sustainable shores.

Green leadership has four foundational pillars:

Vision and commitment

These are the cornerstones of green leadership. Leaders with a genuine commitment to sustainability set ambitious goals that go beyond mere regulatory compliance. They envision a future where their organization not only benefits the planet but also sets a precedent for others to follow.

Patagonia, a company known for its environmental activism, is an excellent example of vision and commitment. Their leaders have long set the standard for corporate sustainability. Their commitment to becoming carbon neutral by 2025 demonstrates the ambitious goals that characterize green leadership.

Innovation and creativity

These fuel the engine of sustainability. Innovative leaders challenge the status quo, introducing new ideas and practices that reduce waste, conserve resources, and enhance ecological balance. From pioneering waste management systems to adopting renewable energy sources, they redefine what’s possible in sustainability.

IKEA’s investment in renewable energy and its initiative to become a circular business by 2030 illustrate how innovation can drive sustainability. By rethinking how products are designed, used, and recycled, IKEA is changing the conversation around sustainable business practices.

Empowerment and collaboration

Both of these factors are responsible for spreading the roots of sustainability deep into the fabric of the organization. By empowering employees to initiate and lead sustainability projects, green leaders cultivate a culture of environmental stewardship. Collaboration extends beyond internal efforts, embracing partnerships with other organizations, governments, and communities to amplify impact.

An example of this is Microsoft’s AI for Earth program. It empowers organizations around the world by providing access to AI tools and cloud technology to tackle environmental challenges. This initiative showcases how empowering others and fostering collaboration can amplify the impact of sustainability efforts.

Transparency and accountability

Last but not least, accountability and transparency ensure that sustainability is not just a buzzword but a measurable, integral part of an organization’s operations. Green leaders set clear metrics for success and openly report progress, challenges, and setbacks. This honesty not only builds trust within and outside the organization but also encourages continuous improvement.

Unilever’s Sustainable Living Plan is an example of setting clear, measurable targets for reducing environmental impact. By committing to halve their use of virgin plastic and to collect and process more plastic packaging than they sell, Unilever holds itself accountable to high sustainability standards.

How to implement sustainable practices

Implementing sustainable practices within an organization requires a strategic approach, thoughtful planning, and the commitment of leadership at all levels.

Setting a vision

To begin, we recommend establishing specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) sustainability goals that align with the organisation’s overall mission and values. Leaders should also develop a sustainability vision statement to inspire and guide the organisation’s efforts.

Next, it’s important to conduct a sustainability audit. Evaluate current operations, processes, and supply chains to identify areas for improvement regarding energy use, waste production, resource consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions. Compare current practices against industry standards or competitors to identify areas for improvement and innovation.

Engaging stakeholders is critical to ensuring practices trickle down to the grassroots level. Communicate the sustainability vision and goals to employees at all levels through workshops, meetings, and training sessions. Encourage feedback and involve them in the planning process. Appoint sustainability champions within different departments to promote best practices and motivate colleagues.

Creating and mobilizing an action plan

Once everyone is on board, leaders can develop and implement a detailed action plan. This should outline steps to achieve sustainability goals, including timelines, responsibilities, and resources required. Start with pilot projects to test new practices or technologies before full-scale implementation. This can help manage risks and learn valuable lessons.

At this stage, it’s important to leverage technology and innovation. Invest in energy-efficient technologies, renewable energy sources, and other innovations that can reduce the organization’s environmental footprint. Encourage a culture of innovation where employees can propose and experiment with sustainable solutions.

To measure the success of sustainability practices, identify the right sustainability metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs). Regularly report sustainability achievements and challenges both internally and externally, fostering transparency and accountability. Use insights from monitoring and feedback to refine practices, set new goals, and continuously improve sustainability performance.

Evangelizing sustainable practices

Develop procurement policies that prioritize environmentally friendly and socially responsible products and services. Work with suppliers to ensure they also follow sustainable practices, creating a more sustainable supply chain.

Sustainability practices take time to institute, but educating and empowering employees goes a long way. Provide training and resources to help employees understand their role in achieving sustainability goals and how they can contribute. Offer incentives for innovative ideas and successful implementation of sustainable practices.

To take things several steps further, it’s recommended that leaders participate in or initiate community projects that support sustainability, such as tree planting, cleanups, and educational programs. Educate customers about the sustainability efforts and how they can support or participate in them.

Challenges in green leadership

One of the primary challenges in green leadership is aligning sustainability initiatives with the organisation’s financial goals. Leaders must navigate the tension between investing in green technologies and practices, which may have upfront costs, and the pressure to deliver short-term financial results.

Secondly, employees, management, and even suppliers may be accustomed to existing processes and wary of the uncertainties associated with new sustainability initiatives. Leaders must overcome this resistance by building a strong case for change, demonstrating the tangible benefits of sustainability, and fostering an organizational culture that values adaptability and innovation.

A third and complex challenge for sustainable practices is the existing regulatory landscape for environmental and sustainability issues. Green leaders must ensure their organizations comply with current environmental regulations while anticipating future changes. This challenge is compounded by variations in regulations across different geographic locations, especially for multinational corporations. Staying ahead of these regulations requires a proactive approach, including continuous monitoring of legislative developments, active participation in policy discussions, and investment in compliance and reporting systems.

The final word

Corporate pioneers such as Patagonia, IKEA, Microsoft, and Unilever demonstrate the significant impact achievable when commitment to sustainability is deep-rooted. As we advance, it’s evident that achieving sustainability is a collective endeavor that calls for the engagement of all organizational levels. Despite the obstacles, the pursuit of green leadership is an investment in our planet’s future, signifying that every step towards sustainability, no matter the scale, is a stride towards a more resilient and equitable world.



Bas Fransen, CEO EcoMatcher

EcoMatcher connects companies, communities, and consumers through trustworthy and transparent tree-planting.