How to Travel Sustainably: A Guide for Eco-Conscious Explorers

Bas Fransen, CEO EcoMatcher
5 min readFeb 24, 2024

Embark on a journey of sustainability! Discover how sustainable travel nurtures the environment, empowers local communities, and celebrates cultural heritage. Learn practical tips to minimize your footprint and maximize your impact. Join us in shaping a brighter future for travel and the planet.

Sustainable travel is a practice that seeks to minimise the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural impacts of tourism, while generating economic benefits for local communities and enhancing the well-being of host areas. It’s about making conscious choices that prioritise conservation, support local economies, and respect cultural heritage. The goal is to create a balance between enjoying our planet as travellers and preserving it as inhabitants.

In an era where climate change and environmental degradation are pressing concerns, the concept of sustainable travel has emerged as a vital discourse. It’s not just about seeing the world anymore; it’s about preserving it for future generations. As a tree-planting organisation committed to environmental conservation, we believe that the principles of sustainable travel align perfectly with our mission.

What are the benefits of sustainable travel?

At its core, sustainable travel aims to ensure that tourism is managed in a way that allows future generations to enjoy the natural and cultural wonders of our planet.

One of the most significant advantages of sustainable travel is its contribution to the preservation of the environment. By opting for eco-friendly modes of transportation, staying in accommodations that prioritise sustainability, and engaging in responsible tourism practices, travellers can significantly reduce their environmental impact. This includes lower carbon emissions, conservation of local ecosystems, and protection of wildlife. Sustainable travel practices encourage tourists to be mindful of their water and energy consumption and to minimise waste by recycling and avoiding single-use plastics.

Sustainable travel also plays a crucial role in supporting local economies. By choosing to spend money on local businesses, such as restaurants, guesthouses, and tour operators, travellers help ensure that their tourism dollars benefit the community directly. This approach helps create jobs, sustain local industries, and prevent the leakage of tourism revenues out of the destination. Sustainable tourism also promotes the development of infrastructure and services that benefit both tourists and the local population, contributing to the overall economic health of the region.

Beyond its environmental and economic impacts, sustainable travel fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures and traditions. By engaging with local communities in a respectful and meaningful way, travellers can enjoy a more authentic experience while contributing to the preservation of cultural heritage. Sustainable tourism encourages interactions that are enriching for both visitors and hosts, promoting cultural exchange and mutual respect. It also helps protect and promote local traditions, crafts, and practices, ensuring they are preserved for future generations.

What are some practical tips for sustainable travel?

Before you go

Begin by choosing locations recognized for their commitment to conservation and sustainability. Research destinations that offer opportunities for eco-friendly adventures and learning. Next, look for lodging that has been certified for its green practices. Many places now offer eco-friendly options that range from luxury eco-resorts to simple, sustainable hostels.

You can also pack sustainably! Every kilogram counts when it comes to reducing your carbon footprint, especially on flights. Pack reusable items like water bottles, shopping bags, and utensils to minimise waste.

Whenever possible, choose trains, buses, or car-sharing options over airplanes. For shorter distances, consider biking or walking — not only do these options have a lower carbon footprint, but they also offer a more immersive experience of your surroundings.

If flying is unavoidable, consider choosing flights with the lowest carbon emissions and investing in carbon offset programs. These initiatives typically fund renewable energy or tree-planting projects, compensating for the emissions produced during your flight. It’s not the ideal solution, but it’s better than nothing.

During your stay

When you arrive at your destination, choose to eat at local restaurants, shop from local artisans, and use local services. This not only reduces your travel footprint but also ensures that your money benefits the community directly.

This next bit goes without saying: always adhere to guidelines when interacting with nature and wildlife. Keep a respectful distance from animals and stay on marked trails to protect natural habitats. Commit to leaving no trace. Carry and use reusable items throughout your journey and dispose of any waste responsibly.

You can also consider participating in local conservation efforts to enrich your travel experience. Many destinations offer opportunities to volunteer with environmental projects, such as tree planting or beach clean-ups. These activities provide a hands-on way to contribute to the preservation of the places you visit.

What should you look out for while travelling sustainably?

When planning to travel sustainably, there are several pitfalls that conscientious travellers should be aware of to ensure their efforts truly contribute to environmental preservation and community welfare.

First and foremost is greenwashing. Many businesses claim to be “eco-friendly” or “sustainable” without having substantial practices in place to reduce their environmental impact. This phenomenon, known as greenwashing, can mislead travellers who are trying to make responsible choices. To avoid greenwashing, look for certifications from reputable organisations that verify the sustainability claims of accommodations, tour operators, and other travel-related businesses. Research and read reviews to understand the specific sustainable practices companies are implementing.

Over-tourism is also a concern. While sustainable travel aims to reduce the negative impacts of tourism, popular ecotourism destinations can suffer from over-tourism. This leads to environmental degradation and disruption of local communities. Instead, consider travelling during off-peak seasons or exploring less-visited areas that can benefit from tourism. This approach helps distribute the benefits of tourism more evenly and reduces pressure on popular destinations.

Finally, it’s good to not overly rely on carbon offsetting. Carbon offsetting can be a useful tool to compensate for the greenhouse gas emissions associated with travel, but it’s not a cure-all. Relying solely on carbon offsets can lead to complacency about making direct reductions in one’s carbon footprint. Instead, prioritise reducing your emissions through direct actions like choosing more sustainable modes of transportation (e.g., trains over planes) and offsetting what can’t be reduced. Ensure you purchase offsets from reputable programs supporting verifiable, effective projects. You can also consider supporting other tree planting projects (like through EcoMatcher) to double down on erasing the effects of your travel.

The final word

Travelling sustainably is more than just a personal choice; it’s a collective step towards preserving our planet for future explorers. By adopting eco-friendly practices on your travels, you contribute to a larger movement that values the environment, supports local communities, and respects cultural heritage. We encourage you to carry the principles of sustainable travel into your next adventure and to support our tree-planting efforts as a tangible way to give back to the Earth.



Bas Fransen, CEO EcoMatcher

EcoMatcher connects companies, communities, and consumers through trustworthy and transparent tree-planting.