The Growing Imperative for Climate-Friendly Marketing Strategies

Bas Fransen, CEO EcoMatcher
5 min readMay 7, 2024


The urgency to combat climate change, conserve resources, and mitigate pollution has fundamentally transformed how businesses engage with customers and approach marketing. As awareness grows, consumers increasingly turn to eco-friendly alternatives that lessen environmental harm.

Recent studies show a clear trend: consumers favor brands that demonstrate genuine environmental stewardship. Over 60% of customers worldwide prefer to buy from companies committed to reducing their carbon footprints. Companies like Patagonia, Google and Allbirds have not only embraced this approach but have made it a central part of their market appeal, showing that sustainability can drive profitability.

Today’s consumers are well-informed and demand that green initiatives be strategic and transparent, moving beyond superficial labels to require genuine sustainability efforts from businesses. While there is a growing shift towards more sustainable practices, several traditional methods remain detrimental due to their resource-intensive nature and the waste they generate.

Climate unfriendly practices in marketing today

The production of physical marketing materials such as brochures, flyers, and posters consumes large amounts of paper, ink, and other resources. The production process often involves harmful chemicals, and these materials frequently end up as waste, contributing to landfills.

Excessive packaging, especially plastic, is also common in marketing to make products more appealing. This uses considerable resources and results in substantial waste that is often non-biodegradable, contributing to pollution and landfills.

Large-scale corporate events, trade shows, and promotional events typically have a high carbon footprint due to travel, energy consumption, and the waste generated from event materials and catering. Although beneficial for networking and sales, they pose considerable environmental costs. The use of disposable or single-use promotional items (like plastic pens, notepads, or USB drives) in marketing campaigns at these events adds to environmental waste. These items are often quickly discarded, rarely recycled, and can be harmful to the environment.

While seemingly less tangible, digital marketing also has environmental impacts, primarily through significant energy consumption. Data centers, web hosting, online advertising, and the use of digital devices consume considerable electricity, much of which is still generated from non-renewable energy sources.

How can marketing become more eco-friendly?

Making marketing more eco-friendly involves adopting sustainable practices at every level of strategy and execution.

Physical marketing

Printing still accounts for a huge chunk of ecological waste in marketing. When print materials are necessary, use recycled paper and eco-friendly inks. Opt for printers that have certifications for environmental management (like ISO 14001) and consider reducing the size and frequency of printed materials. Design packaging with minimal use of materials focuses on recyclability, or better yet, biodegradability. Avoiding plastic and using sustainable materials like bamboo, mushroom packaging, or recycled materials can significantly reduce environmental impact.

Instead of cheap and disposable items, choose durable, useful, or edible promotional products. Items made from sustainable materials that encourage sustainable behavior (like reusable water bottles, tote bags, or seed packets) are more environmentally friendly. The end-of-life of these products is also a great place to push for eco-friendly changes. Develop a system for responsibly recycling or disposing of marketing materials at the end of their life cycle, especially for promotional items. Consider products that offer a longer life or can be repurposed.

Given that physical events generate vast amounts of waste, it’s a good idea to reduce their carbon footprint by hosting webinars, online conferences, and virtual product launches. When in-person events are necessary, ensure they are accessible by public transport, use digital tickets, and choose venues that prioritize sustainability.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing, while seemingly low-impact, contributes to environmental degradation primarily through the significant energy consumption of data centers, servers, and network infrastructure that power online activities.

Optimizing digital assets is an excellent place to start remedying this. Reducing the size of digital files used in marketing, such as images and videos, can decrease the energy required for data storage and transmission. This includes optimizing websites for faster loading times and lower data consumption, reducing the energy used by servers and devices accessing this content.

Choose a web hosting provider that uses renewable energy sources or is committed to carbon neutrality. Many web hosting companies now offer options that run on solar or wind power, or they purchase carbon credits to offset their energy use.

Utilizing cloud services designed for energy efficiency is now easier than ever. Major cloud service providers like Google Cloud, AWS, and Microsoft Azure offer solutions that optimise resource usage and have committed to increasing their use of renewable energy.

Invest in carbon offset projects that counterbalance the emissions from your digital marketing. These projects can include reforestation (which EcoMatcher can help with), renewable energy developments, or community projects aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This not only helps balance out your carbon footprint but also supports sustainable development.

Electronic waste generated from obsolete digital devices used in digital marketing practices also contributes to environmental pollution. We encourage the use of energy-efficient devices and practices within your organization. These include using devices with better energy ratings and implementing policies that reduce energy consumption, such as dimming screens or powering down equipment when not in use.

Benefits of climate-friendly marketing for businesses

Green marketing strategies bring numerous benefits to businesses that adopt sustainable practices, especially in an era where consumers are both eco-conscious and socially aware.

Stronger and more positive brand image

Implementing green marketing initiatives helps businesses cultivate a favorable brand image and enhance brand awareness. Commitment to environmental sustainability resonates deeply with consumers who prefer eco-friendly products and responsible business operations. A robust and positive image can lead to greater trust, higher customer satisfaction, and a robust market presence.

Competitive advantage over other products

In a crowded market, sustainable products and services are more likely to stand out. Consumers frequently choose products that reflect their environmental values, giving eco-conscious companies a leverage in attracting and retaining customers. This preference extends to products made from recycled materials or those utilizing renewable energy sources.

Buyer trust and loyalty

Sustainable practices encourage long-term commitment from customers who identify with your brand’s values. It is essential to transparently communicate and genuinely implement commitments to sustainable practices. This sincerity builds trust, fostering repeat business, positive referrals, and loyalty — all of which can enhance revenue and market share.

Better compliance with standards

Adopting green marketing strategies also assists companies in complying with environmental regulations and standards. With governments and regulatory bodies imposing stricter rules on eco-labeling and environmental claims, it’s more important than ever to align with these requirements. Adherence to these regulations helps avoid legal issues and penalties and prevents potential reputational damage.

The final word

Sustainable marketing isn’t just a passing trend; it’s here for the long haul. More than ever, embracing environmental responsibility isn’t just good for the planet — it’s a smart way to resonate with conscious consumers. By leveraging technology, embracing global collaboration, partnering with the right Earth-friendly organizations, and adapting to evolving customer needs, businesses can make sure their sustainability efforts are both meaningful and effective.



Bas Fransen, CEO EcoMatcher

EcoMatcher connects companies, communities, and consumers through trustworthy and transparent tree-planting.